My Add-in can't communicate with VS2008 VSIP Fortress Client

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My Add-in can't communicate with VS2008 VSIP Fortress Client

Post by Ryser » Thu Jan 15, 2009 6:16 am

Hi SourceGear Team,

I use the Fortress Client Version 1.1.4(18402) and Visual Studio 2008 Pro.

And have a little problem:

I will write a add-in for VS2008 Pro. In this add-in I use the command 'ENVDTE.SourceControl.IsItemUnderSCC(string ItemName)'.
With the 'SourceGear Fortress Classic Client' work this but with the 'SourceGear Fortress Visual Studio Enhanced Client' not.

Why not?
How I get the Information that my project item under sourcecontrol is?

I don't find a solution for my problem and hope you can help me.



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Re: My Add-in can't communicate with VS2008 VSIP Fortress Client

Post by ian_sg » Thu Jan 15, 2009 2:45 pm

Unfortunately Visual Studio's automation API only works with MSSCCI source control plugins. Your observation is correct, that only the Classic Client can be automated this way.
Ian Olsen

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