Error sending data to server

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Error sending data to server

Post by Ashley » Wed Jun 30, 2004 5:51 am

SoS Classic 4.02.
Client - WinXP, Server - Win2K.
VPN - SecuRemote.
ICS and ICF on Client.
ADSL Connection (2MB dn / 256KB up) on both ends.

We have recently upgraded to 4.02 from 3.5.1. On the older version I would occaisonally get 'Error sending data to server' errors when performing a full resync (recursive GetLatest). Usually when obtaining a very large file list (one of our SS folders has 1400+ text files), or sometimes when downloading a large binary (eg. support DLL with debug symbols).

With the new version I ALWAYS get these errors on a full resync. They are also do not follow any appreciable pattern. Small fgiles lists fail as do small tex files. This ONLY happens when using the GUI client. I CAN do a full resync without any errors using the command line SOS client.

Anybody know what is causing these errors? We have checked firewall logs and found no reason for a disconnection.

Other users of the same SS database also have similar problems. They use different Client configurations (IP, firewall, ISP etc).

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Post by jclausius » Wed Jun 30, 2004 6:28 am

Moved from the Vault List.
Jeff Clausius

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Post by lbauer » Fri Jul 02, 2004 3:14 pm

Do all users experience this, or just you?

Let's take a look at the log file. Put it in debug mode:

Then try to reproduce the problem by doing a get. Preferable, do a small get, so we don't have so much log to look through. Then email the log.txt file in the SOS Server directory to
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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