move / upgrade

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move / upgrade

Post by grs » Sat Jan 03, 2009 8:07 am

I am running fortress 1.1.3 and have a need to move the product to another server. I'd also like to upgrade to 1.1.4, if possible, but it does not necessarily have to be as part of this process - moving it is more important.

I see some references to how to move Vault on the other support forums, it seems there is no specific info about how to move Fortress.

I would like a completely transparent move to my user community, so getting the settings and database replicated exactly is critical. Any suggestions or insight on the right way to do this?

Gregg Siegfried
Language Logic

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Re: move / upgrade

Post by lbauer » Mon Jan 05, 2009 7:32 am

To move Fortress, backup the sgdragnet, sgmaster and sgvault databases. Restore them to the SQL Server on the new machine. Then install Fortress. You can upgrade at this time by installing 1.1.4. Let me know if you have additional questions.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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