Upgrade suggestion

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Upgrade suggestion

Post by Xavier » Wed Nov 26, 2008 11:04 am


it would be great to have a post to registered users when a new version is available (otherwise a dialog box in the GUI client when they don't match).

It would also be interesting to 'force' clients to match the server version (in some server settings for example)


Best regards


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Re: Upgrade suggestion

Post by lbauer » Wed Nov 26, 2008 3:38 pm

We already notify users in a couple of ways:

Subscribe to an RSS feed from our Release Announcements forum. We only post when there is a new release:

In the Vault or Fortress GUI client, under Tools -> Options -> General, there is an option to "Check for latest Fortress (Vault) version at startup. Release information will be in the Messages pane. It tells what the latest version is, plus your version.

When we upgrade to a major version, users have to upgrade their clients, because their clients will no longer be able to log in to the upgraded server.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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