Problem with checking in/out if only one user is active

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Problem with checking in/out if only one user is active

Post by s4o » Mon Nov 03, 2008 6:23 am

Hello support team,

Recently we upgraded from Vault 4.x to Fortress 1.1. We had a license for Vault user (say, "user1"). After upgrade the license for that user is no longer valid (the Info field of the "Licenses" node of the Fortress web admin says: "Error: Upgrade required"). That is logic. The problem appeared when one of the files had to be modified and checked in. It turned out that it was exclusively checked out by "user1", but "user1" is not active, and "admin" cannot check it in. The following message appears in the "Messages" tab of the Fortress window: "03.11.2008 13:07:23] Check out failed for $/.../file.txt: The file has been exclusively locked."

How can "admin" check that file in?

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Re: Problem with checking in/out if only one user is active

Post by lbauer » Mon Nov 03, 2008 8:11 am

Is "User1" still with your team, and does he still have the modified file in his working folder? If so, you could temporarily de-activate one of the other users and reactivate "User1" so that he can check in the file.

The other option is to have the Admin undo the checkout with the Admin Web Client. This setting is in the Admin Web Client under Source Control Repositories->(Repository name)-> undo checkout.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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Re: Problem with checking in/out if only one user is active

Post by s4o » Mon Nov 03, 2008 9:00 am

Hello Linda,

"user1" is in our team, but has no valid license yet because we have not upgraded the license for that user from Vault to Fortress. It is also not possible to temporarily de-activate one of the other users and reactivate "User1" because the only active user we have at the moment is "admin". It is also not possible to deactivate "admin" and activate "user1", so the former solution would not work.

The latter one works well. However, it is a bit awkward, because web admin interface does not provide a possibility to choose whether the local copy should be overwritten or kept unmodified. We would like to keep changes made by "user1".

Thank you for help.

PS: Is it planed to have a desktop client for admin interface? It would be helpful to have more control over admin tools.

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Re: Problem with checking in/out if only one user is active

Post by lbauer » Mon Nov 03, 2008 5:54 pm

When you undo the checkouts from the Admin Web Client, the file is left in the working folder as modified. It will be Renegade.

It's always a good idea to have your client licenses available when you do an upgrade, because users are unable to login without the upgrade licenses.

We've had a few requests for a GUI admin client, and I'll add your "vote." However I don't know if we will be implementing this anytime soon.

F 13753
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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