Session trouble and renegade files in Eclipse (4.1.3)

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Session trouble and renegade files in Eclipse (4.1.3)

Post by avonwyss » Tue Oct 14, 2008 9:30 am

We had some server trouble in the last days and the Vault application pool has been recycled several times. The Windows GUI client and the MSSCCI and VSIP clients have no trouble to reconnect in this situation. However, the Eclipse client seems unable to deal with this, and I had to re-start Eclipse to make it work again (the "Login..." context menu entry seems to do nothing when already logged in, even if the session is no longer valid).

But restarting Eclipse is not really the solution, since the file is then no longer automatically checked out by the Eclipse client when edited, and it does not show up as renegade anywhere either. The result is that upon a "Commit All" some files are not checked in and you can only find out by using the Windows client and doing a diff or a get latest without overwrite and checking for renegade files. This is very troublesome... it broke my build several times now.


Re: Session trouble and renegade files in Eclipse (4.1.3)

Post by shannon » Tue Oct 14, 2008 10:37 am

Ok, I think I follow what you're saying, but can you provide some clear steps to reproduce this? I guess I'm unclear on exactly what you did before you got to the point where you realized you needed to restart vs after the restart.

After restarting Eclipse you say it doesn't auto-checkout on edit, was that file already marked readable?

Also, did you refresh your pending changes before hitting commit all?

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Joined: Mon Oct 04, 2004 9:06 am

Re: Session trouble and renegade files in Eclipse (4.1.3)

Post by avonwyss » Tue Oct 14, 2008 10:51 am

To reproduce, start Eclipse and open a Project which is bound to Vault, log in. Everything is fine so far.

Now recycle the application pool of your Vault server. This will obviously invalidate the session token used by the Eclipse client.

In the still open Eclipse, try to edit a checked-in file. It will try to check the file out and of course you'll get an error message from Vault, but you'll be able to work on the file. So now we do have a renegade, but I did not find any place where the Eclipse client would show me this; the icon is still the "checked in" icon. Any Vault operation performed now will fail, the client will not just recover by re-doing the login as the other clients do.

That's the time where I restart Eclipse, allowing me to correctly log in again. Now go to the Pending Change Set, do a Refresh if you wish (does not matter), and a Commit All. The renegade file is not in the list and will not be checked in.

Of course, this is easy to see if you have just one edited file as in these reproduction steps. However, when there are a bunch of files already checked out, it's hard to notice that this one file is missing, and since renegades have no special overlay icon (as present in the VSIP client for instance) the commit is then not as you want it to be.


Re: Session trouble and renegade files in Eclipse (4.1.3)

Post by shannon » Tue Oct 14, 2008 11:40 am

Thanks for the steps. I'll look into how we can improve situations like this for Eclipse.

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