Upgrading from Vault to Fortress

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Upgrading from Vault to Fortress

Post by MattK » Thu Aug 28, 2008 5:58 pm

Help! I can't access my code! I get the following error after upgrading to Fortress and attempting to open a solution..

Microsoft Visual Studio
Failed to register project with SourceGear Fortress Visual Studio Enhanced Client.

Project AutomaticResponse-WebApp is bound using a different SCC provider: SourceGear Vault Visual Studio 2005 Client:{1EA47954-8515-402d-82D9-B5C332120A8D}
This should be easy right? It says so on sourcegear.com....
Upgrading from Vault to Fortress

Upgrading from Vault to Fortress requires about the same amount of time and effort as upgrading to a new Vault version. Which is to say, very little.

1. Uninstall Vault, leaving your database in place.
2. Install Fortress.
3. There is no step 3.

Fortress works where Vault works -- in Visual Studio .NET, in Eclipse, in your favorite editor, at your command line, and on the web. Logins remain the same, the version control features look and feel the same -- they're just more powerful now.

Special upgrade pricing is available for Vault users, a 30-day Free Trial is available, and of course Fortress comes with the great support you've come to expect from SourceGear.

Retire the spreadsheet. Toss the homebrewed database app. Let Fortress keep it all together so you can concentrate on the fun parts.
Funny thing is I've been using VS2008 all along and also am using VS 2008 to try to open the soln. This is of course after I have uninstalled the Vault client and Vault server and installed Fortress.

Also, I am using the latest version of Fortress-May '08.

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Re: Upgrading from Vault to Fortress

Post by ian_sg » Fri Aug 29, 2008 7:45 am

Unfortunately, in order to support side-by-side installations of Fortress and Vault clients, we had to make the Visual Studio project bindings differ between the two. This FAQ has steps to update your bindings.
Ian Olsen

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