New User - Items and Builds

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New User - Items and Builds

Post by jonsimcox » Thu Apr 10, 2008 8:01 am

Quick question.
I have a smalltest project full setup up VS 2005 (c#)
1. I have checked in the whole project.
2. I have added an item (bug)
3. I have then checked out a file and editied it and checked back in.

my question
Now I want to build - how do i link changes to the source (checkins) to the bugs so that I can say this build contains all of the following bugs
Also - how do I mark a build - i.e. all of these files at this state are now build x - which contains all these bug fixes

thanks in advance for any advice

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Post by jeremy_sg » Thu Apr 10, 2008 8:31 am

For your first question, you can associate work items with checkins using the Browse button in the checkin dialog.

For your second question, the answer is probably CruiseControl.Net.

CC.Net will notice there are changes, then download the changes and start a build. If the build is successful, it will label the version of the folder that it downloaded with the build number. That label will help you refer back to answer your "what files are in this build" question.

We are currently rewriting our CC.Net integration to add the ability to automatically update work items to note that they were referenced by a build.

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