Fortress V1.0.6
one of my users is having trouble checking in a file they have edited, when they try to commit the change they get the following error:
[01/04/2008 10:24:05] An error occurred while trying to begin a transaction.
[01/04/2008 10:24:05] Transaction failed
[01/04/2008 10:24:05] An exception was encountered during the transaction. Exception: Server was unable to process request. ---> Error in the application. at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)
at VaultClientNetLib.ClientService.VaultService.BeginTx(Int32 nRepID, String strComment, VaultRequestItem[]& requests, String& strTxID)
at VaultClientNetLib.VaultConnection.BeginTx(Int32 nRepID, VaultRequestItem[]& requests, String& strTxID, String comment)
at VaultClientOperationsLib.ClientInstance.Commit(ChangeSetItemColl givenItems, String strChangeSetComment, Boolean keepCheckedOut, Boolean removeLocalCopy, CommitType committype, VaultDateTime dateImport, Int32 nUserIDImport, Int64& nRevID, Int32[]& retBegEndTx)
I have tried having them disconnect and reconnect, clearing their cache dirctory, undoing the check out and redoing the change and I've had them undo their change and tried to do it from my machine all with the same result.
I've looked in the frotress log and their are no messages there and I've run Checkdb on the vault and dragnet databases with no problems.
I'm kinda stuck at this point any ideas as to what I can do at this point would be greatly apreciated.
BTW I don't know if this is relivant but the file is a .sln file but it's not bound to souce controll.
Rgrds Ian.
Check in Error
Moderator: SourceGear
Yes from inside the standalone source control client
Yes from inside the standalone source control client
Could you post or e-mail a copy of the Fortress server log that covers the time period of the check-in failure?
Let me know the time in log and the username to look for.
If you don't want to post the log, e-mail it to support at ATTN: Linda
Let me know the time in log and the username to look for.
If you don't want to post the log, e-mail it to support at ATTN: Linda
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager
Technical Support Manager