Referenced DLLs get checked out when compiling

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Referenced DLLs get checked out when compiling

Post by APA » Wed Mar 19, 2008 1:39 pm

I have a solution that is bound to Fortress and in this solution there is a web project with some external DLLs (i.e. not DLLs from other projects in the solution) referenced in the web project. When I try to compile the solution Fortress tries to check these DLLs out exclusively but it doesn't appear to check them back in. So when one developer does a compile it leaves the DLL checked out so that everyone else gets an error trying to compile? Why does it even need to check these DLLs out when it compiles and why does it not check them back in?

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Post by Beth » Fri Mar 21, 2008 8:19 am

If you have 'auto check out on edit' turned on, then when some kind of change happens to a file bound to Fortress it will auto check out. You could turn off the feature to 'auto check out on edit,' or if you are using the Fortress Enhanced Client in VS, you can switch to CVS mode which doesn't require a check out. I think there is also an option in VS to 'auto check in on close' that you could try.

What some other users will do is compile from a non-working folder location. I don't think this practice is all that common though.

Is that .dll one of your own that gets built each time or is it a third party .dll?
It's pretty common to not put .dll's in source control.

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Post by APA » Fri Mar 21, 2008 7:05 pm

The DLL is one of our own but from another project not in the solution so it's like a third party DLL. I don't understand why it gets checked out when compiling. It is not getting edited so there is no reason to auto check it out.

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Post by Beth » Mon Mar 24, 2008 4:19 pm

Does the time stamp on that file change at all during the build?

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