Modified command line client that shows label differences

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Modified command line client that shows label differences

Post by dan » Wed May 19, 2004 8:36 am

The file below contains the source code and executable to a modified version of the Vault command line client written by Darren Sargent. It contains the following additional features/commands:

- GETLABELDIFFS - gives a full history report of all files changed between two labels of a project
- GETLABELLEDFILES - retrieves all files (recursively) that have been labelled with a particular label, under a given path.
- Added a "verbose" option to LISTUSERS that outputs all the default rights and active permissions for each users and for each project in the repository.

To run, extract the zip file, and place the exe into the same folder as the Vault client (it uses the supporting Vault client DLLs), and then invoke GVault from the command line.

If you have any troubles with this download, post your question or issue here:
Modified Vault command line client (GVault.exe)
(68.6 KiB) Downloaded 1638 times

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