Can you please upgrade your Dotfuscator and release a new build with it? The upgrade page is here: for all versions (Community, Standard and Pro).The problem reported below is caused by a bug in the Dotfuscator tool (which ships, in-the-box, with Visual Studio). In a nutshell, "Source Gear Vault Server" used Dotfuscator to obfuscate their and that version of Dotfuscator had a bug - it creates an output image with bad/illegal metadata. Dotfuscator has since issued an update that fixes the bug. The bug was fixed in August. If "Source Gear Vault Server" are using Dotfuscator Pro, they need to make sure your version is higher than 1.2.1340 (released 9/2/2003).
There are two routes of fixing this:
1) re-obfuscate the assembly that you want obfuscated, using the new Dotfuscator Pro release.
2) Re-examine why/whether you want to obfuscate these assemblies