If you purchased SOS 3.5.3 after Dec. 1, 2003, you qualify for a free upgrade.
Go to our SourceGear store at https://store.sourcegear.com/sgstore/or ... family=sos
and scroll to the middle of the page. Enter your current serial numbers in the SOS 4.0 Upgrades box. You will get new 4.0 licenses at no charge.
If you purchased SOS 3.5.3 before Dec. 1, upgrade cost is $99 per client license. You can upgrade as described in the paragraph above, except that you will need to provide credit card or purchase order information.
Free upgrade if SOS 3.5.3 was purchased after Dec. 1, 2003
Moderator: SourceGear
Free upgrade if SOS 3.5.3 was purchased after Dec. 1, 2003
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager
Technical Support Manager