Archiving Old Data / Deleting Old Versions

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Archiving Old Data / Deleting Old Versions

Post by yyyjpy2 » Thu Apr 29, 2004 8:20 am

I have been using Vault (1.2.3) for about 6-8 months now and find it to be a great tool in our development environment. As certain projects of mine have wrapped up, I have noticed that there are a lot of old versions of files in my repositories that I don't really need anymore. Early versions of when the file was first created or whatever that I am sure that I would have no reason to go back to.

Is there any way (through the Vault tools) that I could remove this old data to increase the room on my SQL Server? I was also thinking that maybe I could somehow extract/remove a solution from the vault, obliterate the repository, recreate the repository and re-add the solution to it...essentially starting off with what I've got as version 1 of every controlled file. Is this a route to go?


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Post by dan » Thu Apr 29, 2004 12:04 pm

First, off, I wouldn't really recommend getting rid of history, because you never know when you might need it later.

That said, there isn't yet a way within Vault to archive off old history. Your approach of creating a new repository and deleting the old one would work, but if you have only one repository it would be cleaner and easier to simply re-install Vault, and create a fresh database altogether. This wouldn't work if you have other repositories you want to keep around though.

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