Forces a "merge" on "get latest" vs2005

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Forces a "merge" on "get latest" vs2005

Post by bkraiss » Wed Dec 20, 2006 8:34 am

Source Off Site Client 4.2 just hangs when I start it and every time I ask for a "get latest" from VS2005, it asks me if I wish to "merge" even though there have been no "off line" changes to the file on the client machine. It also is very slow.

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Post by Beth » Wed Dec 20, 2006 11:55 am

When it hangs, does it never come up? Is that occurring just when you start the GUI, or is it when you are working with it in Visual Studio?

On the merge in SOS, one can force a file transfer even when there aren't changes, so I believe it always provides options for what one may want to do.

There's a lot of things that could be affecting speed. Is the speed noticed only when first opening or at all times? Are all clients having speed issues? It could be anything from server hardware, to the client, to the network, to the size of files, and repository size. Would you be able to give me a description of your environment?

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