email notifications on checkin?

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email notifications on checkin?

Post by robox » Tue Dec 12, 2006 12:27 pm

Is it possible to trigger or generate an email on file checkins with SoS?

Ideally, this would be part of the tool, but if not, are there apis available such as those provided by MS SourceSafe Automation APIs?

As it stands we have a small application that uses the MS APIs to filter checkin notifications and it sends an email when they occur. We would like to do the same for SoS if such APIs exist as members who use SoS are not able to have automated emails.

Any other ideas or suggestions are welcome. This is really a feature that the team uses a lot and is a reason why majority of developers are sticking to VSS.

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Post by Beth » Tue Dec 12, 2006 1:48 pm

SOS uses the VSS API and doesn't have it's own. If what you wrote is polling the VSS database, then it could very well continue doing that and would be able to tell when SOS changes something in the database. I can add in a feature request for email notifications if you want.

Vault would be able to provide what you are looking for.

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