How do you set the Visual Studio 2005 default profile?

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In Visual Studio 2005, how do you bind your project?

File -> Source Control -> Open from Source Control
File -> Source Control -> Change Source Control
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How do you set the Visual Studio 2005 default profile?

Post by jfreidin » Thu Nov 30, 2006 10:06 am

Is there no way to configure the plug-in for Visual Studio 2005 to use my default connection profile? I always get the attached dialog when I open Visual Studio for the first time and File -> Source Control -> Open from Source Control. The Vault client goes right to the repository for me. I've looked at all the Tools -> Options -> Source Control settings, including Advanced. I can specify a profile there, but it doesn't remember it the next time I open Visual Studio. A screen shot of the dialog is attached.
Visual Studio Open from Souce Control Dialog.JPG
I receive this dialog every time I open Visual Studio and select File -> Source Control -> Open from Source Control.
Visual Studio Open from Souce Control Dialog.JPG (18.19 KiB) Viewed 5793 times

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Post by jclausius » Thu Nov 30, 2006 10:55 am

A quick note on opening projects - For new projects you'll want to do this through "Add Solution to Source Control". Once there, the very first time users need the project files, they should use "Open From Source Control". Once it has been retrieved through this manner, then the next time they open the solution, a user would just open the solution found in their local working folder.

The only time one would use binding through "Change Source Control" would be a special case where the project / solution was already in the Vault Repository, and bound to a different (non-Vault) Source Code Control provider. Once a project is bound, and changes committed back to Vault for the provider change, users would open/get the files as specified in the first paragraph.

The recommended manner for getting files in and out of Vault is through either "Add Solution to Source Control" or "Open From Source Control".

As for your question regarding profiles - An "Open From Source Control" is a one time operation. It would be limiting the opportunity the chance to change Vault server or repository if the login was not brought up at this time.

However, as mentioned in the first paragraph, once you have the file on disk, use a profile for logging in when opening that solution, and during the Vault IDE client login, use a profile. Afterwards, the IDE client will not prompt you for login info on subsequent opens of the project.
Jeff Clausius

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What about the default profile?

Post by jfreidin » Thu Nov 30, 2006 11:18 am

Is there a way to set a Vault default profile that Visual Studio 2005 will use when you open it and select File -> Source Control -> Open from Source Control?

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Post by jclausius » Thu Nov 30, 2006 11:46 am

No. A user may want to choose a different Vault server or repository, so this dialog does not allow a default.

It really shouldn't be too big of a problem, as "Open From Source Control" is a one time operation for a solution. It should not be used for subsequent opens of the same project.
Jeff Clausius

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Best practice for upgrading projects from VSS to Vault?

Post by jfreidin » Thu Nov 30, 2006 12:01 pm

What do you recommend for updating a large hierarchy of solutions after a SourceOffSite/Visual SourceSafe to Vault upgrade?

Do you recommend one person Open from Source Control the first solution, save the solution and check in any changed settings, then Open from Source Control the second solution, save the solution and check in any changed settings, then Open from Source Control the third solution, etc.

Or do you recommend that the first person to Open from Source Control the solution notice that they've actually changed the project settings, and check those changes in?

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Post by jclausius » Thu Nov 30, 2006 1:27 pm

If the projects exist in a Vault repository, but were currently bound to another SCC provider, you would:

1) GET the files to local disk w/ a Vault GUI client.
2) Open the local solution on disk.
3) "Change Source Control". Re-bind the solution to the spot in the Vault repository, then go down the list, and re-bind all the projects.
4) Close "Change Source Control", save everything, and commit everything to the Vault Repository.


Once the solution and projects have been bound and checked back in, "other" developers need to use "Open From Source Control" for their very first time, making sure to use a BRAND NEW directory on disk. If they have existing files, they need to rename or delete these folders, so they can do a "fresh" GET from "Open From Source Control".

If you did not use "Open From Source Control", you'll have problems because some of the ancillary files created by Visual Studio for clues of SCC usage will not exist, or be incorrect if set to use an existing working folder that was bound to a different SCC provider.
Jeff Clausius
