Equate two servers

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Bill Medland
Posts: 25
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Equate two servers

Post by Bill Medland » Thu Oct 05, 2006 1:35 pm

So I have just reached a situation where I need to access the same SOS server through two different IP addresses (sometimes internal, sometimes external) from Microsoft windows.
If it were Linux I would simply use a symbolic link to equate the two server directories.
Is there any similar magic I can do on Windows so that both addresses will lead to the same cache files?

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Post by sterwill » Thu Oct 05, 2006 3:46 pm

First I'd like to verify that I understand your situation correctly. You run the SourceOffSite client and connect to a server which has more than one IP, so the client thinks you're using two different servers, and you want the client to share the cache files between the two? If this is the case, you can use an NTFS "junction point" (NTFS Junction Point at Wikipedia), which is similar to a symbolic link, to cause SOS to use the same database, index, and prefs files for two differently named servers. We have not formally tested SourceOffSite in this scenario, so this is technically not supported.

Here are two freely available tools to manage junction points:
Shaw Terwilliger
SourceGear LLC
`echo sterwill5sourcegear6com | tr 56 @.`

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