Bug fixes in SourceOffSite 4.2

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Bug fixes in SourceOffSite 4.2

Post by jclausius » Mon Sep 25, 2006 3:35 pm

Bugs Fixed in 4.2:

1. SourceOffSite (SOS) Server correctly identifies and installs on systems
configured only with .Net 2.0 Framework.

2. The SOS Server correctly cleans up temp files from GETs of pinned
files in the server's %WINDIR%\system32 directory.

3. Fixed problem where the SOS Server adds non-VSS users to Users pane.

4. "Get Latest" on Web Projects from within Visual Studio .Net 2005
works correctly within the SOS IDE client.

5. The IDE client correctly honors the time setting options for GET.

6. The IDE client correctly handles Renegade and Unknown files.

7. Moves and renames of objects within Visual Studio .Net 2005 works
correctly within the SOS IDE client.

8. Deletions of Folders is handled correctly within Visual Studio .Net
2003/2005 .Net.

9. The IDE client now works with Visual Studio 2003/2005 .Net's
"Solution Root" configuration.
Jeff Clausius

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