Hi. We're having two serious issues with SOS.
The first is that for some of our databases, our offsite folks aren't able to see previous versions of files. There weren't any problems when I tried to get previous versions in VSS, so I ran an Analyze and Repair, but the same issue remains. We're using version 4.1.2, with VSS6.0.
Second issue: Extremely poor performance.
This issue is a bit more pressing; again, we've run Analyzes on the databases, and aren't having any troubles from the VSS side of things, but the same issues remain for SOS. A 'get latest' of an entire project might take me 3 or 4 minutes from VSS, but it takes our SOS folks an entire day, if they can get the files at all.
Two Issues: Extremely slow performance, no previous versions
Moderator: SourceGear
Two Issues: Extremely slow performance, no previous versions
"But can you imagine if we all start demanding?"
That's pretty slow.it takes our SOS folks an entire day, if they can get the files at all
SOS performance depends a great deal on the network environment, plus the version of the VSS Automation Component used by the SOS Server. The SOS Server communicates with the VSS database through the Automation Component. The automation component may be having a problem getting history, so a different version might help.
The first thing to do is review this KB article about optimizing SOS performance:
Other considerations -- how big are the "gets" the users are doing? Are there very large files in these projects (10MB or more in size)?
What kind of bandwidth do your remote users have for their Internet connection?
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager
Technical Support Manager