I noticed that Vault only adds 2 files to the vs.net project which are located in the root of the project. Am I missing any others? The reason I am asking is if I ever want to delete all files created by vault to move the project over to another computer I want to have an idea what I should delete before transfering the files over.
files adding by Vault to vs.net projects
Moderator: SourceGear
I'm guessing you are refering to adding files to Vault from Visual Studio .Net? (Vault doesn't add file to the project, but VS does automatically add files to Vault when adding a project).
If so, this is entirely controlled by Visual Studio - it knows which files it needs to add to Vault and determines where they are added to Vault after you specific root folder location in Vault. After the files are added to Vault, you can do an Open From Source Control from VS.Net on a different machine, and it will pull all the files it needs for you to use the project.
If so, this is entirely controlled by Visual Studio - it knows which files it needs to add to Vault and determines where they are added to Vault after you specific root folder location in Vault. After the files are added to Vault, you can do an Open From Source Control from VS.Net on a different machine, and it will pull all the files it needs for you to use the project.