Command Line Set Working Folder
Moderator: SourceGear
Command Line Set Working Folder
There doesn't seem to be an option to Set the Working folder and "Force all subfolders to use inherited working folder". Is there a way I can do this from the command line, or is it an option that could be added to the command line?
There is not currently an option to do this, but I'll add it as a feature request.
In the meantime, you can manually modify the CLC and add the option yourself. The function that clears out subfolders is _clientInstance.TreeCache.ClobberSubFolderWorkingFolders()
Note that you can use the CLC's UNSETWORKINGFOLDER to clear out specific nodes where working folders are assigned, but I don't believe it recursively clears out working folders.
In the meantime, you can manually modify the CLC and add the option yourself. The function that clears out subfolders is _clientInstance.TreeCache.ClobberSubFolderWorkingFolders()
Note that you can use the CLC's UNSETWORKINGFOLDER to clear out specific nodes where working folders are assigned, but I don't believe it recursively clears out working folders.
The Vault 4.1.2 CLC has the ability to force folders to use inherited working folders for setworkingfolder and unsetworkingfolder.
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