Vault Server rebuild

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Vault Server rebuild

Post by Jonathan » Thu Apr 01, 2004 8:31 am

I have run out of space on the primary partition and need to reload the OS to a larger drive. What precautions should be taken with source gear vault. The company's code is there. We are using the SQL 2000 model. Is it sufficient to just make sure the SQL databases are copied over or am i over looking something?
is there a procedure guide for this anywhere?


Jonathan :shock:

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Post by jclausius » Thu Apr 01, 2004 8:44 am


To be quite honest, there are not any precautions that come to mind, except for one - verify you have a valid SQL Server backup of the sgvault database before deleting data or formatting a drive.

After you've finished installing the OS, you will need to install the required components for Vault
  • IIS
  • .Net Framework w/ ASP.Net
  • SQL Server 2000 w/ any service packs
Once done with those steps, you can restore the sgvault database within SQL Server.

Finally, just re-install the Vault Server. Let the server installation know the server's name. It should find the sgvault database, do not over-write this database. After that, the installation should take over from there.

Jeff Clausius

Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Feb 25, 2004 7:16 am

Post by rogerj » Thu Apr 01, 2004 9:19 am

If it's just space you need, the easiest would be to ghost the small partition to a new larger disk.
Then you wouldn't have to do anything else at all.
You should of course do a backup of the Vault database anyway!


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