Store Working Folder Data in different location on disk

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Store Working Folder Data in different location on disk

Post by jnapier » Tue Mar 30, 2004 12:23 pm

I was wondering if you can store working folder data in any other location besides %APPDATA%\SourceGear\Vault_1\<AppType>\<Unique Repository ID>\<user>\_sgvault.

My c drive is low on space and I need to move the location of this storage spot. How do I change this?

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Post by jclausius » Tue Mar 30, 2004 1:17 pm

the vault user option to store _sgvault directories inline w/ working folders is something that might help.

see #1 for more info.
Jeff Clausius


Post by Guest » Tue Mar 30, 2004 1:24 pm

I don't want to do that though. I don't like the idea of having _sgbak folders in every single directory on disk. That would be impossible to clean up.

Can't I change the default location besides storing them inline? What is the point of storing that information in the users application data directory anyhow? The folders have some weird key that I don't know what it means. If I ever need to get anything out of there it would be a nightmare to find.

I just realized that I can't clean the folders out in the application data directory or Vault will place an unknown status on the file. Then on a get latest version it will put all kinds of junk in the application data directory. 20 mb worth of stuff to be exact. Thats just on one of my projects.

I'm basically asking, what can I do to save disk space.

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Post by jclausius » Tue Mar 30, 2004 2:08 pm

storing _sgbak inline is the only option available in vault 2.0.x.
What is the point of storing that information in the users application data directory anyhow?
just following standard windows procedure here.
Can't I change the default location besides storing them inline?
i've logged a feature request on your behalf.
Jeff Clausius

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