GetLabel and Destpath

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GetLabel and Destpath

Post by jnapier » Tue Dec 20, 2005 1:36 pm

Im trying to do a GetLabel, well actually is trying but its failing because apparently -destpath is required by the command but its not supplied by

Why do I have to specify a path, shouldnt it just pull to my working directory?

The Command

getlabel $/WebSolutions/RncSolutions/InvoicingSolution 2 -merge overwrite -performdeletions removeworkingcopy -setfiletime checkin -makewritable -host xxxx -user BuildUser -password xxxx -repository Development

The Error
usage: GETLABEL requires either -destpath or -labelworkingfolder to be set

The help says that -destpath and -labelworkingfolder are options but it says nothing about them being required.

am I missing something? Any help would be appreciated.

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Post by lbauer » Tue Dec 20, 2005 1:45 pm

What version of Vault are you using?

Documentation for GETLABEL in Vault 3.1.5 says

Code: Select all

GETLABEL will retrieve files or folders specified by repositorypath at the version at which they were labelled with the specified label. 

Use -labelworking folder (with path) to get the label to a working folder, use -destpath (with path) to specify a non-working folder.
So even if you get to the working folder, you have to specify -labelworkingfolder.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager
