VS2005 Editing a file does not check it out

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VS2005 Editing a file does not check it out

Post by gmagana » Tue Nov 22, 2005 6:33 pm

Is it just my recently upgraded project or this a general thing? When I am in VS2005 Prof (under WinXP sp2, Vault 3.1.5), I am working on my web project and I edit a checked-in file, about 2/3 of the time, there is no check out and VS just lets me edit the file. If I save the file, the Vault client shows it as "renegade". Same thing when I do a global search and replace, the modified files are not checked out, they are just flagged as renegade.

Has anyone else experienced this? Is there a recommended document to read to get Vault working OK with VS2005?

I hope this is not supposed to happen because this particular project is about 300 aspx pages, and sometime, somewhere I am going to do a get latest and overwrite my non-committed files... :(
gabriel magana-gonzalez

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Post by dan » Wed Nov 23, 2005 8:35 am

I'll keep an eye out for this. You may want to turn on Vault IDE logging, and verify whether Vault is getting called to checkout the file - that would at least verify whether the problem is VS or Vault.

Also, check the VS Output pane - if Vault tried to check the file out but couldn't for some reason, it should output an error there.

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Post by gmagana » Wed Nov 23, 2005 12:08 pm

Thanks for the suggestions. I checked out the logs as you mentioned (I also turned on "debugging" loggin for Vault). There was no mention by either the Vault log or the VS SCC log of even a checkout attempt when there clearly should have been one (editing of a checked-in file).

What I did then was remove the SCC bidings from the solution, save the solution, exit VS. Then restart VS, load the (non-SCC bound) solution, and rebind everything in the solution to the appropriate Vault locations. VS got latest (at least I think that's what it was doing...), and I was warned about local files being different than the SCC server versions. I chose to not change any local files whenever prompted.

Then I exited VS again, and through the Vault client, checked-in the new renegade files (I think all were project files) to Vault.

One strange note was that the only difference in these project files had from the existing ones was what seemed like data corruption at the very beginning, all had three non-ASCII bytes inserted at the very beginning of the file, and that was the only change... Very very strange...

Anyway, it seems to be working now. I tried to edit about 50 different files (one at a time, of course!) and, without exception, VS correctly did a check-out for all, so I am a very happy person right now!

As to the changes that fixed it, maybe it will remain a VS2005 secret, because the physical file changes of unbinding and re-binding the solution and its projects were very hard to see/detect.
gabriel magana-gonzalez

Posts: 2448
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Post by dan » Wed Nov 23, 2005 12:35 pm

Hmmm. It must have been a VS2005, since Vault never got a checkout command.

The binding stuff is very mysterious, and this is a very fresh new version of VS, so I would guess there there are still kinks to be worked out.
