Deleting files always get re-added

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Deleting files always get re-added

Post by daniel » Tue Nov 08, 2005 5:49 pm


This is the same issue I had with VSS and I havent found a way around it.

If I have two people working on a project and one of the files gets deleted as its no longer needed. When the other developer gets all the files it doesnt do anything about the deleted file and then will be re-added on the next checking of pending files as a new file.

Unless im able to talk to everyone about deleted files its is a very big pain and can cause old code to compile into our project.

Is there anything we can do?


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Post by lbauer » Wed Nov 09, 2005 8:40 am

A few questions:

Are you working in VS.NET?

Is the problem that the file is deleted from the database but remains in the working directory?
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

Posts: 3
Joined: Tue Nov 08, 2005 5:44 pm

Post by daniel » Sat Nov 12, 2005 1:01 am

Yes, its from VS.NET.

Yes, if i delete from its still in all the working directories of other deveopers. I belive I did try deleting from the valult client and the same behaviour occours.

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Post by lbauer » Mon Nov 14, 2005 11:59 am

I tried to reproduce the behavior you described. In VS.NET, if UserA checks out the solution, deletes a file, and then checks in the solution. When UserB checks out or does a get latest on the solution, the solution no longer contains the file. On the next checkin I wasn't prompted to add back the file.

I'm using VS.NET 2003 and Vault 3.1.5.

Perhaps your steps were different?

Note that deleting the file from the IDE does not delete the file from the Vault database. You'd need to delete the file using the GUI Client to remove it from the database.

One way users could clear the unwanted files would be to do a Get latest with the GUI Client after the files were removed from the database. Set the option in the GUI Client->Tools->Options->Perform repository deletions locally->Remove working copy. This would delete local copies of files no longer in the Vault database.

Be sure they do this after they've updated their solution files with a Get latest, so VS.NET doesn't still think the file is in the solution.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

Posts: 3
Joined: Tue Nov 08, 2005 5:44 pm

Post by daniel » Tue Nov 15, 2005 12:46 am

Im using VS 2005.

2005 doesnt use a manifest to store file lists now, so I think the reason you dont see the problem is unless you tell vs 2003 to show all files (even ones not in the mainfest (the .csproj file) it wont show up even though it is still there).

I thought I did try to delete via the client aswell but Ill give it another go. The option in the Vault client might also help. Ill play with it again and post another topic if I continue to have problems.
