Share/Branch Issue for VS 2003 & 2005 concurrent support

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Share/Branch Issue for VS 2003 & 2005 concurrent support

Post by stevehweb » Sun Nov 13, 2005 1:02 pm

First, the situation:
We are currently moving from Visual Studio 2003 to 2005 and we need to maintain capability to open projects in both versions as we need to maintain .Net 1.1 and .Net 2.0 codebases concurrently.

98% of the files in the project are identical and we want to share all files in a project and only branch a file if it needs to be modified for the 2.0 environment.

As 2005 has a new project/solution file stucture, our approach was to start by sharing all files except for the solution and project files that would be immediately branched and converted to the 2.0 format.

The problem:
Unless I'm missing something, I don't see any way to cascade a share of all files under the project root directory. I don't think I share the directory its-self as that would make it then not possible to branch individual files within the directory at a later time.

Am I going about this all wrong, or, is there a way to get this capability? Currently, for a large project, it takes an exhorbitant amount of time to individually share files in large directory trees in larger projects.



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Post by dan » Sun Nov 13, 2005 8:28 pm

Vault doesn't have a command to recursively share files (sharing a folder always shares the folder itself).

You are right that this makes it hard to recursively share files. You could try some kind of script around the command line client to do this. Or, you might try just branching the code base, one branch for VS 2003 and one for VS 2005, and then doing Merge Branches to move the changes from one to the other to keep them in sync.
