Obliterate command line tool times out?

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Obliterate command line tool times out?

Post by CCS » Sun Oct 16, 2005 2:22 pm

I tried to execute obliterate for a deleted folder containing 1.5 GB of files (30000 or so) 2 times, and both times got the timeout error below.
What's the proper value for the timeout supposed to be & where's it set? (there's nothing in vault->options->tools)
P.S. I was monitoring the operation for about 3 hours & it was running fine, so it timed out some times after I stopped looking...

C:\Program Files\SourceGear\Vault Client>vault.exe obliterate -host sourcegearqa
-user admin -password … -yesiamsure -repository "Default Repository" "$
The Vault server could not be contacted to perform the operation. Your network
connection to the server may have been interrupted. Please verify your network
settings using the Options dialog under the Tools menu in the Vault GUI Client.T
he operation has timed-out.
System.Exception: The Vault server could not be contacted to perform the operati
on. Your network connection to the server may have been interrupted. Please ve
rify your network settings using the Options dialog under the Tools menu in the
Vault GUI Client.The operation has timed-out.
at VaultClientNetLib.VaultConnection.BeginTx(Int32 nRepID, VaultRequestItem[]
& requests, String& strTxID, String comment)
at VaultCmdLineClient.VaultCmdLineClient.ProcessCommandObliterate(String strR
at VaultCmdLineClient.VaultCmdLineClient.ProcessCommand(Args curArg)
at VaultCmdLineClient.VaultCmdLineClient.Main(String[] args)
<result success="no" />

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Post by lbauer » Mon Oct 17, 2005 8:06 am

Vault itself should not be timing out. Are you using Windows 2003 Server? Check your IIS settings; the timeout may be happening there:

Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

Posts: 23
Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2005 3:46 pm


Post by CCS » Mon Oct 17, 2005 10:55 am

And what's supposed to be done if I'm running Win2000 which is the case? I already saw the article on Win2003, but it's not applicable to me.
Session timeout is set to 72 hours in Vault, and it timed out long before that (less then 24 hr - under 12 hours actually)

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Post by lbauer » Mon Oct 17, 2005 12:22 pm

Is there anything useful logged in the sgvault.log file around the time the Obliterate function timed out?
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

Posts: 23
Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2005 3:46 pm


Post by CCS » Mon Oct 17, 2005 1:11 pm

the strange thing is that we got some commit notifications from SQL logn after the client timed out, but the DB size etc remained the same - probably because the client initiated the transaction & didn't commit it.

that's what I found in the logs (I took AD & Identity values out):

----10/14/2005 6:17:18 PM sgvaultsystem--()--
System Started
Cache Level = 1
DataBase Buffer Size (KB) = 256
LogFile Path = D:\WINNT\Temp\sgvault
Log Level = Quiet
Archive Log = Weekly
ReverseDNS Lookup = True
Maximum HTTP Request Length = 102400
Overwrite Log on Startup = False
Session Timeout = 4320
Active Directory Domain =
SGVault Working Directory = D:\WINNT\Temp
SGVault Server URL = http://SourcegearQA/VaultService
Identity =
----10/14/2005 11:05:54 PM admin--b0188-dev-0006
( Disabled Login
----10/15/2005 5:18:55 PM admin--b0188-dev-0006
( Disabled System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
at VaultServiceSQL.VaultSqlSCC.ObliterateFSObject(VaultSqlConn conn, Int64 deletionid, Int64 folderID, Int64 objid, Boolean reallyObliterate, Char separator, VaultStringColl& ObliteratedObjects, ArrayList& branchConflictArray) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
at VaultServiceSQL.VaultSqlSCC.ObliterateFSObject(VaultSqlConn conn, Int64 deletionid, Int64 folderID, Int64 objid, Boolean reallyObliterate, Char separator, VaultStringColl& ObliteratedObjects, ArrayList& branchConflictArray)
----10/15/2005 5:18:55 PM admin--b0188-dev-0006
( Disabled (117e8447-ca71-4790-a12a-f083448c5735) BeginTx returned: FailDBReader
----10/15/2005 5:18:55 PM admin--b0188-dev-0006
( Disabled (117e8447-ca71-4790-a12a-f083448c5735) Obliterate: $/STAGING returned: FailDBReader

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Post by ian_sg » Mon Oct 17, 2005 1:25 pm

Obliterate is transactional. So when it timed out everything would have been rolled back.

Obliterate effectively has no SQL command timeout, so network connectivity between the web server and the database server must have been (at least momentarily) lost, or SQL Server was stopped/restarted. Do you have any reason to believe something like that may have happened?
Ian Olsen

Posts: 23
Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2005 3:46 pm

Post by CCS » Mon Oct 17, 2005 1:49 pm

SQL was 100% up & running
so as network...
where else can I set any timeouts?! IIS 5 doesn't recycle worker processes so it's not an issue either...
Like I said I tried 2 times & both times it failed :(

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Location: SourceGear

Post by ian_sg » Tue Oct 18, 2005 12:23 pm

What does the network look like between your IIS server and the SQL server? Some kind of communication loss between them is the only thing I can think of that would explain this error.
Ian Olsen
