easier checkouts

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easier checkouts

Post by zumafan » Thu Oct 13, 2005 12:47 pm

Our Oracle guy wants to start storing scripts in Vault. His primary application is TOAD (ugh), and luckily enough TOAD has zero integration with anything.

We use exclusive checkouts, so is there anyway of either allowing drag and drop checkout from the client, or somehow having an explorer add-in that allows checkins and checkouts so he can improve the editing process for sql script files from within TOAD? Right now if you select TOAD as the application for sql files from Vault, it opens a new instance of TOAD, and TOAD makes you log in and then doesn't open the file. PAIN!

Further, does anyone have any suggestions or past best practices for making this any easier (besides not using TOAD)?

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Post by dan » Thu Oct 13, 2005 4:06 pm

We don't really have a good answer for you, I'm afraid. We don't have window explorer integration, and we actually don't know much about TOAD either - all we do with View/Edit is call the app with the file name supplied, so it is up to the app to accept the parameter.

Posts: 23
Joined: Wed Jan 05, 2005 11:03 am

Post by zumafan » Mon Oct 17, 2005 1:07 pm

Despite the Quest people telling us it will never work. We have found that Vault will indeed integrate with the TOAD project manager section. Will wonders never cease. :)

Thanks Dan
