Difficulty understanding user permissions

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Difficulty understanding user permissions

Post by jminiman » Thu Oct 06, 2005 11:27 am

I assume this issue is what is addressed in server v3.1.3, but just want to make sure.

First off, I do have folder security enabled. Here's the issue.

Suppose I have a repository that looks like:


I want to give user JonSmith Read access to $a\b and Full access (read, check in/out, and rename) to $a\c. I created a group Group1 that has read access to $a\b and Full access to $a\c. JonSmith is a member of Group1. If I give JonSmith no default security, he can't even log into the repository. If I give him default rights of Read, he can log in. However, despite giving his group Full access to $a\c, he cannot checkout any files from $a\c.

If I look in the Folder Security tab in the Admin tool, I see that Group1 has Full access to $a\c, but JonSmith only has R access to this folder. I don't understand why JonSmith doesn't properly inherit the security permissions of Group1 for this folder!

And why does he need Default Rights of read for the entire repository? Maybe I don't want him viewing the contents of $a\d.

Please help!

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Post by jclausius » Thu Oct 06, 2005 12:33 pm

This might be related to a problem fixed in the upcoming Vault 3.1.3 Server.

We have a hot fix for the problem. Let's give that a shot.
Jeff Clausius
