Upgrade fails - 3.0.7 to 3.1.2.

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Upgrade fails - 3.0.7 to 3.1.2.

Post by andrew.badge » Sun Sep 25, 2005 11:21 pm

Upgrading from 3.0.7 to 3.1.2 i get the same error as
http://support.sourcegear.com/viewtopic ... er+upgrade

"Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint ... Cannot insert duplicate key in ...The column was renamed to 'licensekey'. "

So i tried to resotre back to previous version

Data in Single user mode. -> set back to normal
Database left in unusable state. (missing repository!!!) -> restored
IIS virutal directory missing all files. -> uninstall new version. old version reinstalled and restore database over top.
Repository now exists. Admin is the only use who can login.

"The number of active users exceeds the number of currently available
licenses. Logins will be disabled until you deactivate some users, or
acquire more license seats. See the License Tab for information about your license. "

License Tab show 10 Permantent users with 3 in use.

What do i do now??? I've spent all this time to get to a worse situation than i started with. ARRGG.

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fixed licensing issue

Post by andrew.badge » Sun Sep 25, 2005 11:41 pm

Remove key starting with "eb" in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys.
Then IISReset...fixed.

I now am back to where I started. I still would like to upgrade to the new version to avoid the "empty folder" issue.

I assume you'll need some more details. I'm hesitant to bring the server down again until I have some clear guideance on what you need to debug this.

There doesn't seem to be any useful info the current logs.
Backups can be arranged to be transfered etc for testing.


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Post by jclausius » Mon Sep 26, 2005 7:44 am


There could be a number of different problems. Do you have the exact message from the installation? Without it, it is a wild guess what may have happened.

As I explained in the other post, the path of least resistance on something like this is to send in a copy of the database for testing purposes.

Please let me know how you would like to proceed. You can contact me by email using the email button at the end of this post.
Jeff Clausius

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Post by andrew.badge » Mon Sep 26, 2005 3:32 pm

Hi Jeff,

As i said, i wasn't prepared to bring all my developers down just to see the error message again (and i couldn't find the error logged anywhere...would be useful if it did???). It was exactly the same execpt the keys /random table names were different.

I'd rather send a backup of the database instead. Contact me via email [andrew.badge [AT] pcanu.com.au]


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Post by jclausius » Thu Sep 29, 2005 3:14 pm

Andrew uploaded his database for inspection.

I've provided a fix to address a synchronization problem in the tree which should now be fixed in Vault 3.1.x. In any case, once he runs the script, he should be able to upgrade to Vault 3.1.2.
Jeff Clausius

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Upgrade successful

Post by andrew.badge » Thu Sep 29, 2005 5:02 pm

Thanks Jeff for your prompt and concise help.

Upgraded successfully to v 3.1.2 after running SQL script. All clients working ok.

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Post by Tri » Tue Oct 04, 2005 9:12 am

Is this issue specific to Andrew's context or will it affect any 3.07 server? We plan to do the same soon.

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Post by jclausius » Tue Oct 04, 2005 9:22 am

These will be on a case by case basis. What some people have done is made a copy of the database, and ran the installation against the copy as a test.
Jeff Clausius
