How To Quickly Change Profiles in VS 2003 Projects

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How To Quickly Change Profiles in VS 2003 Projects

Post by odelljl » Thu Sep 29, 2005 7:16 pm

Given that this post:

is a few months old - is this still the best workaround for changing the profile associated with a Visual Studio file? I frequently work within my office - where the Vault Server is on the local LAN - and at home - where the Vault Server is reached over SSL secured internet connection. I have to use this workaround on several projects just to get going when I switch locations.

There must be a better way - I've tried just starting VS up, but I go through a series of dialogs that try to connect using the old profile and have to time out. The dialog that implies it will stop trying if I ask it to - but it does not.

I have a handful of projects in the current solution and the workaround is tedious. Have a I

- missed a new solution in the interim,
- a better option for working in this situation, or
- hope for a better solution in the near future?

Thanks in advance -


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Post by dan » Thu Sep 29, 2005 7:48 pm

Is your Vault server a different name in different locations? (or, rather, how is it different, such that you can't use the same connection info)?

One hacky workaround would be to define a profile, and then change the underlying profile info when you go back and forth between home and work. The profile name should be used to connect in both places, but the connection string within the profile would change to what you want it to be.

You might have to let it fail the first time and then change it in the login dialog Edit Profiles button. Or, you might have to bring up the GUI client first and change it from the login dialog there.

Hope this helps...

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Post by odelljl » Fri Sep 30, 2005 8:36 am

Is your Vault server a different name in different locations? (or, rather, how is it different, such that you can't use the same connection info)?
When I'm in the office I connect to a local nic on the machine - a 192.168.0... address. When I'm at home I connect to the address provided by my router and use an SSL connection. The box itself doesn't have an Internet-exposed domain name - I don't want it too.
One hacky workaround would be to define a profile, and then change the underlying profile info when you go back and forth between home and work. The profile name should be used to connect in both places, but the connection string within the profile would change to what you want it to be.
It's good to know that changing the definition behind the profile is enough - the binding information shown for the projects had the profile name as part of it, but also a tcp/ip address, so I conjectured that changing the data behind the profile wasn't enough. I'll give this a try.

Where is the profile stored? (I don't have my laptop here at work to fish around). Is it somewhere where I can change it before I fire up VS2003?

One other thing - I could connect from home by:

1) Connecting to my internal office network via VPN; then
2) Using the same profile I use when in the Office to connect to Vault.

I'm wondering if you have any insight on how this might compare to using the SSL http connection in terms of performance?

Thanks - jlo

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Post by GregM » Fri Sep 30, 2005 10:45 am

odelljl wrote: When I'm in the office I connect to a local nic on the machine - a 192.168.0... address. When I'm at home I connect to the address provided by my router and use an SSL connection. The box itself doesn't have an Internet-exposed domain name - I don't want it too.
I used to do something like this when using SourceOffSite (because SOS thought that I was connecting to a different server when the name changed) by creating an entry in the system's hosts file that pointed to the current IP address. The file is \windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts (adjusted for your windows directory). You could make up a hostname for your server, use that in your profile, and then put the proper IP address in that file for wherever you are.

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Post by odelljl » Fri Sep 30, 2005 2:17 pm

Excellent idea! It is funny that with using Windows over the past few years, I've gotten so far removed from configuration files that the hosts file slipped my mind.

I can keep both addresses in there and comment out wherever I'm not - not a bad solution at least in the short run.

I gave this a try and it worked well. Thanks!
