Selecting DB Server on Upgrade

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Selecting DB Server on Upgrade

Post by Tony » Tue Sep 20, 2005 6:20 am

I am attempting to upgrade from v3.0.6 to v3.1.1. When I first installed v3.0.6, I put the DB onto a test server. Later, I moved the DB to a production server using a backup/restore and just changed the connection string in the configuration file(s).

Now, I am attempting to do an upgrade and the dialog that askes for my SQL Server credentials assumes that I want to upgrade a DB from my testing server and there is no way I can see to tell it that the DB has moved.

What do I do?

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Post by lbauer » Tue Sep 20, 2005 8:39 am

I experimented with this and found that changing the connect string in the web.config didn't change the database location when I tried to upgrade.

The reason is that installer uses database location stored in the registry, not the web.config.

If you want to upgrade a database after you've moved it, the best solution is to uninstall Vault, keeping the database, then reinstall.

Also see this for tips after reinstalling Vault 3.x:
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

Posts: 28
Joined: Wed Apr 13, 2005 6:18 am
Location: Pennsylvania

Post by Tony » Tue Sep 20, 2005 9:19 am

I can do the uninstall/reinstall, but I typically do a side-by-side installation until I prove that the new version works in our environment, with our tools (i.e. I have .\SourceGear\Vault\v3.0.6\ and .\v3.1.1\ in my AppTools directory.

Is it possible to just change the registry key to point to the new sever and re-run the upgrade?


p.s. I have the same problem with the upgrade from Dragnet 1.0.3 to 1.0.4. Is it the same solution?

Posts: 9736
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:25 pm
Location: SourceGear

Post by lbauer » Tue Sep 20, 2005 9:32 am

Possibly, though we haven't tested this to see if changing the registry affects anything else in Vault.

The key is:


The value name is Server.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager
