Unmodified files show up in pending checkinsafter get latest

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Unmodified files show up in pending checkinsafter get latest

Post by gsmalter » Wed Sep 07, 2005 1:27 pm

This is showing up every so often since we upgraded to version 3.1.1 of the client and server.

Most recently, I was working on a solution in visual studio and checked all of my files in. My pending checkins list was empty. I knew that my partner had also just checked some files in, so I did a get latest. After the get latest, I had a file (an ascx file, if it matters) in my pending checkins list. I don't believe this is correct behavior.

I checked in the Vault GUI, and the status of the file now appearing in my pending checkins list was unmodified.

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Post by Tonya » Wed Sep 07, 2005 2:45 pm

I have attempted to redpulicate this issue without any luck. I am going to need to get some additional information from you.

Is the .ascx file one that had been modified by the other user? You noted that this problem appears every so often, can you reduplicate it with the example given to me? Were any of the same files checked out by both of you at the same time? Does the problem seem to always exist in regards to .ascx files?

Since this problem appears to be random, any additional information that you can provide would be helpful.


Tonya Nunn
SourceGear Support

Posts: 115
Joined: Sat Jul 09, 2005 11:13 am

Post by gsmalter » Wed Sep 14, 2005 4:39 pm

I can't reproduce it, either. I just noticed that it's started happening recently and never used to.

It does always seem to be ascx files, but that may be a coincidence.

The file was not checked out by two people at the same time.

I had the problem occur on one machine, so I went to another and did a Get Latest on that one as well, and it did not exhibit the problem.

Pretty random. The only bothersome thing is that I can check in a file that I don't have checked out, which shouldn't be allowed under my setup because I have "Require check out before check in" selected.

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Post by Tonya » Mon Sep 19, 2005 9:32 am

I have done more research into this problem and unfortunately, I am still unable to reproduce the problem here. Could you please let me know if the problem persists and if you notice any kind of pattern reproducing the issue?


Tonya Nunn
SourceGear Support

Posts: 115
Joined: Sat Jul 09, 2005 11:13 am

Post by gsmalter » Mon Sep 19, 2005 1:33 pm

Yep, I will. Thanks.
