File Not Found error in Visual Basic 6 when trying to save.

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File Not Found error in Visual Basic 6 when trying to save.

Post by lynnroth » Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:55 am

We are getting an error in Visual Basic 6.

When the Vault client is open, I can save a file once, but on subsequent saves I get an error "File Not Found - <path of file>". If I close the Vault client, the save does not throw the error.

The project is not set up in the IDE for source control.

Is there anything we can do to allow the vault client to be open while we are developing?

Lynn Roth
Interactive Financial Solutions, Inc.

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Post by lbauer » Fri Sep 02, 2005 9:18 am

We could use some additional information.

What version of Vault are you using? In the Vault GUI Client under Tools->Options->General, is the checkbox "Make Vault your default SCC Provider" checked?

Could you send specific steps to reproduce? For instance do you open VB, then launch the Vault Client and checkout files? Are you checking in the file between modifications? These kinds of details would be helpful.
Linda Bauer
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Post by lynnroth » Fri Sep 02, 2005 9:37 am

Vault Server and Client are 3.1.0
Vault is set as the Default SCC Provider.
Vault is running is CVS style.

Start Vault Client
Start VB IDE
Open VB Project
Open file (it actually opens automatically)
Save file

With more testing, it appears that it will sometimes fail on the first save as well, sometimes it takes several saves until it gives the error.

Once the error occurs, restarting either Vault Client or VB IDE basically resets the problem. It fails again after 1 or more saves.

If the Vault Client is not running, the error does not occur. If the error has occured, I exit Vault and the error stops appearing during a save.

I am not checking in any modifications between the saves.
Lynn Roth
Interactive Financial Solutions, Inc.

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Post by lbauer » Fri Sep 02, 2005 1:15 pm

I'm not able to reproduce this; I might be missing some steps.

How did you add the VB project to Vault -- through the Add Files/Folder command of the Vault GUI Client or through VB Tools->SourceGear Vault->Add Project to SourceGear Vault?
Start Vault Client
Start VB IDE
Open VB Project
Open file (it actually opens automatically)
Save file
Did you edit the file before saving? When you get an error, what's the exact message? Is it a "Path\File access <path to file>" error?
If you check the file properties after the error, is the file writable?

Does the problem persist if you uncheck "Make Vault your Default SCC provider" in the GUI Client under Tools->Options->General?
Linda Bauer
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Post by lynnroth » Fri Sep 02, 2005 1:25 pm

The files were actually added via the import from sourcesafe.
The error is "Microsoft Visual Basic" - "File not found: '<path>'". I attached a screenshot of the message.
I did not make a change before saving.
The file is writable at the time of the error.
I turned off Vault as the Default SCC Provider and restarted VB. Same result.
It sometimes takes several attempts to save (in quick succession) to reproduce. But other times it just happens on the first or second save.
VB Error Message
error.png (6.69 KiB) Viewed 8300 times
Lynn Roth
Interactive Financial Solutions, Inc.

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Post by lbauer » Fri Sep 02, 2005 1:57 pm

What is the file status in the Vault GUI Client before and after you do the save?
I did not make a change before saving.

Are you actually saving the file from within VB -- Ctrl-S or File->Save.

Or are you trying to commit -- save to the database -- with the GUI Client?

I'm a little unclear on why you are saving a file that has not been modified.
Linda Bauer
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Post by lynnroth » Fri Sep 02, 2005 2:16 pm

I'm saving the file in VB. Ctrl - S.

I reduced the problem to the bare minimum it took to reproduce it....I have the same problem when saving a file that is changed. (Which is how we discovered the problem.)

This happens on mutiple workstations here, same version of vault. Same conditions on everything.

Status was blank before starting the test. I opened the file. I pressed spacebar, ctrl-s and repeated until it failed. It took 5 tries. The status in Vault changed after the first save to Edited and remains edited after I restart Vault.
Lynn Roth
Interactive Financial Solutions, Inc.

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Post by lbauer » Fri Sep 02, 2005 3:42 pm

Still can't reproduce this, so we need to narrow it down.

If you create a test project -- one that was never bound to VSS, and add it to Vault using the GUI client, do you get the same behavior?

If you use VSS mode instead of CVS mode, does the problem persist?

If you edit one of the VB files in Notepad and save it repeatedly, do you get any error messages? Try this with the Vault GUI Client Edit command, selecting Notepad for the editor.
Linda Bauer
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Post by lynnroth » Tue Sep 06, 2005 7:06 am

Same behavior with a new test project that was created and then added to Vault with the client.

If I start Vault in VSS mode, the error does not seem to occur (If I start it in CVS mode and then switch, the error does happen until I restart Vault)

Saving in notepad does not seem to cause the error to happen either.
Lynn Roth
Interactive Financial Solutions, Inc.

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Post by lbauer » Tue Sep 06, 2005 4:35 pm

We have not been able to reproduce this, so it may be something specific to your system configuration. I'll log it as a bug to investigate further. If you have any additional information about your development environment that might help us to reproduce this, let me know.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager
