Setup Error when trying to open repository

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Setup Error when trying to open repository

Post by koz » Thu Jul 28, 2005 1:25 pm

I am getting an error after I login to Vault Client. Once I am logged I I receive the dialog for choosing a repository. After I choose the repository I receive another dialog "Setup Error", that says:

Failed to load resources from resource file
Please check your setup

Everything was working fine until yesterday. yesterday I deleted and obliterated a test repository. Then created a new one (with the same name I think).

I was able to log in and check in 1800+ files without a problem. It is only when I am in the Client that I have an issue.

Also, today I upgraded from 3.0.7 to 3.1.0 and still have the same issue.

One other note: this only happens when I login with the admin account. I just created a new user that is in the admin group and everything works fine for that user.

Thanks in advance.


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Post by dan » Thu Jul 28, 2005 1:41 pm

A few questions:

1. Does this happen regardless of which repository you choose?

2. Does it happen if you login as a different user?

3. Does it happen if you login on a different machine as the same user?

4. How did you checkin files if you couldn't login?

5. Were there configuration changes, such as a new version of the .Net framework being loaded or a new version of Visual Studio?

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Post by koz » Thu Jul 28, 2005 2:12 pm

[quote="dan"]A few questions:

> 1. Does this happen regardless of which repository you choose?

We only have one repository. It is a new setup.

> 2. Does it happen if you login as a different user?

No only with the amdin user.

> 3. Does it happen if you login on a different machine as the same user?

If the admin user logs on from another machine, everything works fine.

> 4. How did you checkin files if you couldn't login?

I was able to login yesterday during the day, then at some point in the early AM it started giving me this error. I would swear it all started at exactly midnight, maybe coincedence. I was in middle of checking 1800 files and the process failed on one file (at 12:00AM), but then vault retried the file autromatically and then it worked and the rest of the files also went in okay.

But after that point I was not able to login as admin.

> 5. Were there configuration changes, such as a new version of the .Net framework being loaded or a new version of Visual Studio?


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Post by dan » Thu Jul 28, 2005 2:32 pm

Hmmm. I would guess that if you delete your client side cache, everything will be reset and work fine. However, if you want to find out what the underlying error is, we'd need to dig a little deeper. You could turn on client side logging (see ) - it might reveal some info that could be useful.

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Post by koz » Sun Jul 31, 2005 8:39 pm

Cleaing out the cache took care fo the problem. Really did not have time to dig any deeper.


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Post by koz » Fri Sep 02, 2005 12:00 am

I had this happen on another system and clearing out the cache did not help.

However, deleting the file %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\SourceGear\VaultGUIClient.exe.7fe7ef.ini did fix the problem.

I kept a copy of the file, would like like me to send it to you guys?

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Post by dan » Fri Sep 02, 2005 7:29 am

Yes, please send us the file - it must be something configured in that file.

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Post by koz » Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:17 am


First let me clear a coulpe fo things I mis-stated (i.e. they were very wrong):

1. I was getting and error, but it was not the same error I reported earlier. It was something like a "parameter error" or "there is an error in the parameter"

2. The file (see attached) I deleted was in the fodler "%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\ApplicationHistory", not the path I stated in my previous post.

3. This is a brand new PC, using roaming profiles. So some of the data was already there even though this was a fresh install of Windows XP and Vault.

4. There was a cache folder in %USERPROFILE%\Application Data\SourceGear but I do not recall seeing a "profiles" file.

5. I had used Vault on this machine, but only a couple of times since it was only a day ot two old. I also remember having to setup my connection profiles (I have two of them)

Sorry about having some of the facts wrong, but this happened at the end of a very long day. I hope I didn't send you on a wild goose chase and you find some of this info useful.

