Vault Annoyances

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Vault Annoyances

Post by ZackJones » Fri Aug 05, 2005 4:43 am


I'm using 3.1 for client, server and admin tool. The problem is that the vault client seems to forget that I want to automatically log in using the profile I've created. The most annoying aspect of it is that it doesn't happen every single time.

I use the vault client and have vault integrated with VS.Net as my default source control provider. I frequently use the client throughout the day to look at various repositories to see where I may need to get the latest version of code before starting to work on that particular project. Sometimes when I start the client I have to select my profile to log in with because the client has forgotten which profile to use :(. I always select the option to automatically login with the specified profile.

I have the same issue inside of Visual Studio. Sometimes while working on a project and I need to either check in or check out a file I'll receive an error dialog about an invalid username or password. When this happens I next see a dialog where I can enter my password or select a profile. (A nice feature would be to add the "automatically log in with this profile" checkbox to the VS.Net IDE portion of vault).

Has anyone else reported a similar issue? Are there any options in Vault I can try tweaking to correct this? Would a log file help?

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Post by dan » Fri Aug 05, 2005 8:11 am

If you switch back and forth between the IDE and the Vault client, it will change how you login from one to the other.

Try using a profile in the IDE client, which causes the IDE to always automatically login for that project, and then won't affect the GUI client.

There are reports that this sometimes doesn't work, and we haven't been able to determine why, but there is an easy workaround at

Hope this helps

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Post by ZackJones » Mon Aug 08, 2005 3:05 pm


Thanks for the reply. Manually editing the .scc file works for the IDE. Do you guys have any sort of work around for the client forgetting to automatically connect using a specific profile?

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Post by Tonya » Tue Aug 09, 2005 8:19 am

Is the problem connecting with the Vault Client intermittent or does it forget your profile every time? If the problem is intermittent, does this happen after you have had the project open using VS.Net?

Do you have more than one profile?

Verify that "Remember password" and "automatically choose this repository" are checked for each profile, and that the password is correct.

When the "Automatically connect using this profile" box comes up unchecked for the profile you connected to automatically for the previous login, check the registry again for the values for AutomaticLogin, LastProfile and LastUsername to see if they are consistent with the profile you're trying to connect with.

Tonya Nunn
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Post by ZackJones » Wed Aug 10, 2005 5:42 am

Tonya wrote:Is the problem connecting with the Vault Client intermittent or does it forget your profile every time? If the problem is intermittent, does this happen after you have had the project open using VS.Net?
It is intermittent and there's a very good chance that it happens after I have opened a project in VS.Net. I typically have VS.Net running on my machine for the majority of the day. I will try to determine if there is any particular pattern to the events.
Tonya wrote:Do you have more than one profile?
Nope, just one.
Tonya wrote:Verify that "Remember password" and "automatically choose this repository" are checked for each profile, and that the password is correct.

"automatically choose this repository" is not checked. I do not want to use the same repository each time I log into vault. We use vault for our web based projects. Right now our development team has 4 or 5 active projects. We use my machine as the build machine before deploying on the web server. It is not unusual for me to go into the vault client 5 - 10 times a day and do a get latest on one of the projects so I can build and deploy it.
Tonya wrote:When the "Automatically connect using this profile" box comes up unchecked for the profile you connected to automatically for the previous login, check the registry again for the values for AutomaticLogin, LastProfile and LastUsername to see if they are consistent with the profile you're trying to connect with.
The next time it happens I'll do this. Thanks for your help!

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Post by Tonya » Wed Aug 10, 2005 9:13 am

I believe I was able to reproduce the same problem that you are reporting. If I log into the Vault Client, choose a profile and check the "Automatically connect using this profile", everything works correctly until in VS.Net I add a project to scc using a different profile or I open a project that doesn't use a profile. After this, my profile is no longer selected when I log into my Vault Client.

I am going to report this problem for further discussion. Dan is out of the office right now but according to his earlier comments he is aware that it works this way:
If you switch back and forth between the IDE and the Vault client, it will change how you login from one to the other.
I will see about getting this altered, I could see how it could get confusing for users.

Tonya Nunn
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Post by ZackJones » Thu Aug 11, 2005 5:17 am


I had the problem happen this morning. Here's what I did.

I used VS.Net to lok at some source code. I checked out the file but because I didn't make any changes I performed an Undo checkout to put the file back into vault. I then exited out of VS.Net.

Next I loaded vault client, which automatically logged me in, and did a get latest on 3 different projects and then closed the client.

I then went back into VS.Net and loaded one of the projects I just performed a get latest on and received the password error dialog.

I ran RegEdit and checked the following keys:

AutomaticLogin - False
LastProfileName - Zack
LastUsername - zjones

I double checked the mssccprj.scc file where the solution file is stored and it does have my profilename listed in it. I hope this extra information helps.

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Post by Tonya » Thu Aug 11, 2005 8:46 am

Is this the same problem that you have been experiencing? I thought the problem you were reporting was that the profile wasn't being remembered when logging in to Vault.
I then went back into VS.Net and loaded one of the projects I just performed a get latest on and received the password error dialog.
Are you receiving an "Invalid Password" dialog?

Tonya Nunn
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Post by ZackJones » Fri Aug 12, 2005 5:34 am

Tonya wrote:Are you receiving an "Invalid Password" dialog?

"The username or password supplied is invalid" is the message I see in the dialogbox from VS.Net.

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Post by Tonya » Mon Aug 15, 2005 8:10 am

I was unable to reproduce the "Invalid Password" dialog box.

Is this a different problem then what you were first reporting?

Tonya Nunn
SourceGear Support

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Post by jkp*74 » Wed Aug 17, 2005 4:52 am

I am using Vault ver 3.1.1 and i face the same problem. This is the content of MSSCCPRJ.SCC
SCC = This is a source code control file

SCC_Aux_Path = http://csd-data-server/VaultService|Joel:4
SCC_Project_Name = $/C01-140-001(TieLine#2)

SCC_Aux_Path = http://csd-data-server/VaultService|Joel:4
SCC_Project_Name = $/C01-140-001(TieLine#2)
It shows the correct profile that i am using.

This project was added by my collegue using her profile. When i get the latest version from the Vault Server and run it from the VS.Net IDE, the dialog box appeared. It happens every time i tried to open the project file. I have also checked the "Automatically connect using this profile" & "Remember password" check boxes. I do not check the "automatically choose this repository" check box simple because i create the repository base on the year when the project was started. So, i will frequently switch among the various repositories.
I don't face this problem with the projects i added in with my own profile.
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Post by jkp*74 » Wed Aug 17, 2005 5:11 am

Here is what i have discovered:

1) Start Vault Client Tool.
2) Select my profile (Joel).
3) Check the Automatically connect using this profile.
4) Choose a repository.
5) Connected to the Vault Server.
6) Run regedit.exe and take a look at the AutomaticLogin value = True.
7) Close the Client Tool.
8] Refresh the registry - AutomaticLogin value = True.

9) Open the project file from VS.Net IDE (added by my collegue's profile).
10) Prompt the Connect to Server dialog box.
11) Refresh the registry - AutomaticLogin value = True.
12) Select my profile (Joel). Click the OK Button.
13) Prompt the Choose Repository dialog box.
13) Refresh the registry - AutomaticLogin value = FALSE :?
13) Select the corresponding repository.
14) Project loaded.

15) Run the Vault Client Tool again.
16) Prompted with the Login dialog box with the Automatically connect using this profile check box UNCHECKED.
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Post by Tonya » Wed Aug 17, 2005 8:04 am

Thanks for the detailed information. This bug has been logged in our bug database to be resolved in a future release.

Tonya Nunn
SourceGear Support
