Vault 3.1 and Visual Studio 2005 beta Web Projects

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Vault 3.1 and Visual Studio 2005 beta Web Projects

Post by jmarsch » Tue Aug 09, 2005 10:19 am


I am having a real problem with Vault and Visual Studio 2005. I'm not sure whether the culprit it VS or Vault, but I would appreciate any input that you have.

I need to create a solution that contains several c# class library projects and one c# web project. I am using local IIS for for the web project, so the settings are HTTP and localhost.

When I create the solution, everything seems to work fine (apart from some published bugs on MS's end). Next, I check the solution into Vault.

Next step: Go to another machine and perform an "open from source control" to retrieve the solution from Vault.

When the solution comes down, the Web project does not land below the wwwroot directory. Instead, its folder ends up in the same tree as the rest of the solution (below My Documents). The result is that the anonymous IIS user does not have appropriate access to the web files, and the web project cannot run.

I can't seem to get around this. What do I need to do to get source control to work with web projects?

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Post by lbauer » Tue Aug 09, 2005 10:40 am

Here's a KB article that covers this topic:

Let us know if you have additional questions.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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Still having problems

Post by jmarsch » Tue Aug 09, 2005 10:58 am


Thank you for your reply. I am familiar with the documents that you reference in the KB article, but they apply to Visual Studio 2003. We do have long-standing, working web projects in Visual Studio 2003.

The problems that I am having are related to Visual Studio 2005. The way that Web projects work and are managed has changed very significantly between these two versions. Is there anything else that you can tell me?

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Post by dan » Fri Aug 12, 2005 10:06 am

If you are using the July CTP version of 2005, it broke SCC integration - see ... stID=61357

If you are using an earlier version, we will need to try to reproduce this. Usually, two Open From Source Control windows are displayed when opening a web project - one for the web project and one for the other projects.

A workaround for now would be to change the location of the IIS Virtual Folder to where SCC put the folder, or just move the folder to where it currently points, and see if it works...

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Post by jmarsch » Fri Aug 12, 2005 1:00 pm


I'm using the Beta 2 release (not CTP). There is one behavior difference between what you described and what I am seeing: I do not get 2 "Open from Source Control" windows -- only one.

I tried just moving the web project below wwwroot and then adjusting the virtual directory, but when I did that, I started getting a repeatable error when I tried to perform a "get latest" at the solution level -- I do not have the precise text, but it was was a message dialog that recommended that I restart Visual Studio (not a crash --not a Dr. Watson dialog).

So far, the only workaround that I have found to actually work is to let Visual Studio/Source control download the web project to whatever directory it wants to, and then assign "modify" NTFS permissions to group "everyone" in whatever directory chose to dump the project.
