URGENT: Need advice on how to proceed

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URGENT: Need advice on how to proceed

Post by stephensonjs » Tue Aug 02, 2005 9:12 am

I sent this email back and have not received a response yet. Please send email or setup a conference call on how to establsih our Vault environment considering our situation.

Thanks, Jeannette

Previous email:

Hi Linda,

What we will have next month are two Vault instances. The first instance has all of our current code base for several of our projects. This instance contains 20% of the source code for a new project. The second instance has the other 80% of the source code for that new project that will be transitioned to us next month. This second instance is currently offsite.

What we would like to do is migrate/merge the code from the second instance into the first instance. Or vice versa, migrate/merge the 20% of the source code from the frist instance into the second instance. Either way, we need to maintain version history of all of the code for this project. We'd like to maintain all of the project code wtihin the same Vault instance.

In terms of licensing, we need to possibly split the users on the 10 user license key if we can't migrate/merge the code from the second instance into the first instance.

Please advise us on the correct approach on using Vault to accomplish what we would like to do.

Thanks, Jeannette

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Location: SourceGear

Post by lbauer » Tue Aug 02, 2005 9:30 am

At the present time, it's not possible to move files/folders/repositories and associated history from one Vault database to another. You can do a Get from one repository and Add to another repository, but everything will be Version 1.

We are working on this "move" feature for a future release of Vault.

I had responded to the license issue via email, but I'll contact you again on that.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager
