Check-out/check-in comments?

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Check-out/check-in comments?

Post by ismangil » Tue Jul 19, 2005 4:25 am

What does the check-out comment affect? It seems if a check-out comment is specified (usually mistakenly!), it will be used for check-in comment, overwriting the changeset comment we usually specify as part of check in using VS2003 IDE.

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Post by lbauer » Tue Jul 19, 2005 8:10 am

A checkout comment (more accurately called an "item comment") doesn't overwrite a change set comment. These are different types of comments and are seen in different places in History.

--If a file has an item comment AND a checkin (or change set) comment, the item comment appears in File History and Folder History by Item. The checkin comment appears in Folder History by Version.

--If a file has only an item (checkout ) comment, the item comment appears in File History and Folder History by Item. There is no comment in Folder History by Version.

--If a file has only a checkin comment, then the checkin comment appears in all three History locations.

If you're seeing something different, let us know and we'll try to reproduce it here.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager
