Switching SQL Server databases

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Switching SQL Server databases

Post by popezilla » Fri Jul 15, 2005 1:46 pm

Do you have a document on doing this?

I want to move my Vault database from one server to the other and leave the web server as is.

I'm thinking that all I need to do is back it up from one server and restore it to the other and then change the Vault configuration files.

Is this about right?

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Post by lbauer » Fri Jul 15, 2005 1:53 pm

Pretty close. You also need to delete and recreate the database user and login that Vault uses to connect to MS SQL Server. See this KB article on moving the Vault database.
Linda Bauer
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Cannot switch

Post by popezilla » Fri Jul 15, 2005 4:39 pm

I followed the steps and when a client tries to login, they get the error 'specified cast is invalid'. I pressed the more information link and was sent to this site:

http://kb.sourcegear.com/VaultHelp/mess ... +not+valid.

But the first page does not speak to this error. I couldn't view the second page because of a web site error about a division by zero in the .PHP files.

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Post by lbauer » Mon Jul 18, 2005 9:38 am

Sometime this error message means SQL server is running out of space. Check the Vault server log file to see if there's more information.

Meanwhile we'll check our KB forum and fix that error message.
Linda Bauer
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SQL Server space is fine

Post by popezilla » Mon Jul 18, 2005 11:08 am

The sgvault database is stored on a volume with 98GB of available space.

I looked at the Vault log and did not see anything.

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Post by lbauer » Mon Jul 18, 2005 11:11 am

Could you email me a copy of the log file? I'd like to see the current one and if there's a previous archived copy, I'd like to see that one also. Send it to Linda at SourceGear.com
Linda Bauer
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I sent the file

Post by popezilla » Mon Jul 18, 2005 11:24 am

I sent the file

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Post by lbauer » Mon Jul 18, 2005 11:30 am

Are all users getting the same error message? It looks like there are logfile errors associated with the Reena login.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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I did not try all users

Post by popezilla » Mon Jul 18, 2005 12:34 pm

I just tried one. When I got the error, I 'undid' what I had done to move the database.

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Post by lbauer » Mon Jul 18, 2005 2:49 pm

You undid the DB move?

If you get this error again, have your users close their clients and delete their %appdata%\SourceGear\Vault_1 directories. The client-side cache files may have info that's not in sync with the database.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager
