Windows Authentication

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Windows Authentication

Post by KKnoch » Wed Jun 29, 2005 1:20 pm

I am in the process of configuring Vault to use Windows Authentication for when our users log in. I understand I have to enter the domain name in the Server Option tab and then for each user select the Authenticate using Active Directory box. I also understand I need to run the IdentitySwitcher tool. Our Vault server is in a different domain than the one our users are authenticating in. My question is which domain am I setting the user that needs to be impersonated? The domain the Vault server is in? Or the authenticating server?
I am using the latest version (3.0.7)
Thank you,

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Post by lbauer » Wed Jun 29, 2005 1:33 pm

See the reponse in the non-gold support forum: ... 6026#16026
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager
