Continous Integration Support

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Continous Integration Support

Post by brian » Thu Mar 04, 2004 2:15 pm


I know that someone has posted NAnt tasks for Vault. I was wondering if you planned on integrating with a Continous Integration product like Draco.NET or CruiseControl.NET? This would probably be worth the time spend because these projects will take off if the Java equivalents are any indication. I have not looked at you API but since both the projects support VSS I thought it may be an easy thing to do.


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Post by jclausius » Thu Mar 04, 2004 4:34 pm

there was some talk of this before the web-forum was implemented.

it looks as if there was something started for this.

look for the thread here: ... .html#1386

perhaps someone there knows what has happened in this area.

Jeff Clausius


Post by Guest » Thu Mar 04, 2004 5:08 pm

Yes I know of the NAnt tasks, but those are different than the support required for continous integration. For instance Draco.NET supports VSS, SVN, CVS, Perforce, etc. But no Vault :oops: ! Currently I am trying to use Draco.NET and have the NAnt tool use the vault.exe from the command-line. However this is not really ideal because draco can't really kick off a build when a change to Vault occurs because it doesn't currently support Vault.

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Post by lbauer » Fri Mar 05, 2004 8:52 am

Two Vault users, Brian Schkerke and James Geurts have been working on this and planned to make the results available on Vault Pub. I've emailed them for an update.

If you search the mailing list archives you can probably find their email messages and contact them directly.
Linda Bauer
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Post by jclausius » Fri Mar 05, 2004 9:11 am


i wasn't referring to the nant tasks. in this tread ( ... 01375.html), brian schkerke mentions something about starting on

he stated,
I've got the framework put together for Draco.NET ( -- they can use the same basic code as it is mostly just parsing in Draco.NET to determine whether a build needs to be done.
i was hoping he could provide you w/ more info. btw, i'm assuming your surname is not schkerke.
Jeff Clausius

James Geurts

Re: Continous Integration Support

Post by James Geurts » Fri Mar 05, 2004 10:02 am

Hi Brian,

I have integrated Vault (Both 1.2.3 and 2.x) with Draco.Net. There is only one reason that is keeping me from distributing the code to the Draco.Net project. It is that my code requires the Vault ClientAPI files. Since I don't think this would be ideal for most Draco.Net users, I have just been distributing my code to users who ask. If you or anyone else is interested in it, just shoot me an email at

Otherwise, I believe that Brian Schkerke is working on a command-line client that works with Vault 1.2.3 and 2.x. I believe that he is planning on writing a Draco.Net integration to work with that custom command-line client.

Hope that helps


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Post by jeremy_sg » Wed Apr 07, 2004 10:51 am

I've just posted code for an example plugin, which could be modified to kick off a build when a checkin is made. This might be helpful for those who want something approaching Continuous Integration. I'll leave adapting it up to the Nant/Draco/CC.Net people.

For the blog article discussing it, look at:

and the permanant link should be: ... 04/07.aspx

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